Thursday 29 August 2013

That infectious smile...I just want to grab you and kiss you and hug you.  When I first saw you I cried because you looked so much like my new babies.  It took me back to the day the doctor handed your Mummy to me for the first time.

You are fun and a delight to be with.  Your mischief making eyes tell the world to look out because Reeve is here and full of life. Your beautiful big heart may get you in trouble one day but always try and love all who you come in contact with.

You love your Sissy so much and have always looked out for her.  You watch her and try to do everything she does.

You have always greeted me with love and caring and I hope that over the years to come you will always stay my friends and that you remember I will always love you and cherish you.

Love Granny xo

6 weeks before you were born I had a heart attack.  One of my major worries was that I would never get to meet you on this earth.  I would never get to kiss and love you and lend a helping hand to raise you.  Your mummy came to visit me in hospital and all I could pray for was for Heavenly Father to let me stay long enough to see you. Now you are nearly 5 and we have shared some wonderful times together.  I hope I am blessed to continue to share this wonderful journey with you.

You have a wonderful sense of humour and your ability to say "no, no ,no" to your Granny, has always made me laugh.

Thank you for loving me and I promise I will always love you.  I hope that our eternal connection will always be in our lives..

Love Granny xoxo